I hope that wherever you are and wherever you go that you have a safe and sane holiday. From our first snow event of November 6/7, we've been enjoying some mild weather, overall, with many morning inversions where it was multiple degrees colder on Mauney Cove Road than up high on Apple Creek. Alas, cold will be here shortly, and then we'll watch the middle of next week as a potent storm system heads our way, ushering in December. More snow? Stay tuned...
The board has spent a great deal of time putting together a long-term plan for overall road maintenance for Apple Creek Acres, and included myriad hours spent with road professionals touring and assessing our current situation this fall. One long-overdue operation has been completed, the clearing of vegetation back from the road, excepting some trees which will have to be felled at a later date. This opened up some drainage ditches to do their job, as well, as storm run-off causes obvious problems for our roads. Plus, you can now see farther ahead and take defensive action before an Apple Creek speeder scares you (couldn't resist throwing that in there!).
My unofficial tally at the house from our Nov. 6/7 snow was 3.7", the first 1.5" almost all melting by Friday afternoon. Best guesstimates were about an inch fell Saturday morning down toward the entrance, and 2-3" fell on our upper elevations overnight. The models I follow did a decent job of getting a handle on the amounts overall, though I can't say one out-performed the other. Our roads were fine, thanks in large part to the ground not being frozen.
"Over the river and through the woods" time for me...enjoy your friends and families.