Sunday, December 27, 2020


 This just came in from the ACAHOA board:

Just got word that the snow plow operator had a major equipment breakdown. He has worked through the night making repairs and expects to be here before lunch today. Delays like this can be expected as the 1-2" sheet of ice under the snow is extremely hard on equipment. We should have the main road in good shape by this PM with the warmup. 

On a side note, vehicles cannot be parked or left in the road. The plow cannot work around them. Vehicles left at the bottom of the mountain may be parked on the side of Mauney Cove Road.



  1. Dog named Stanley on my porch...Staymon Address

  2. Glad to hear that the dog (actualy named Sydney) made it home

  3. Thank you Bob, for the update 😊

  4. Has anyone seen my (black & white) tuxedo cat? He was a manx, stub tail. Thanks
    Bob, I really appreciate all you do for our community. Many thanks

  5. Thanks everybody. I drove back up the mountain just before 5pm, and I couldn't tell that the road had been salted, and certainly wasn't scraped. Apple Creek Road is okay down low, but in the shady sections higher up it's good and slushy with some icy spots. Temps stayed above 32 degrees higher up; just be careful heading down and steer toward the better spots on the road, because slush is still modified ice.
