(These are the annual meeting minutes just forwarded
to me to post. If you have any questions, it's best if you
would address any board member directly as this is more
of a notice board. Bob)
AUGUST 23, 2014
Meeting was held at Haywood county Library in Auditorium at 10:00
A quorum was established: there were 71 votes with 10
homeowners present and additional proxies. Keith Patton nominated Doyle Love to chair
the meeting and was seconded, voted on and approved. The minutes from 2013 meeting were read by
Marilyn Herbert and Doyle Love made two
amendments to the wording and Laura Palmer made the one that reported her name
as Linda instead of Laura. It was nominated by Doyle, seconded by Laura voted on
and was passed.
It was presented by Keith Patton. It was decided at a
previous board meeting to keep costs down by sending the minutes and road
assessments at the same time to keep mailing costs down; therefore, utilizing
the web site that Bob Childs so graciously set up for the association. It was
posted in May of 2014 on web site to ask for volunteers to help clean
right-of-ways. Custom Paving is waiting for dry weather to pave worst sections
of the road. $20,000.00 is being spent
on maintenance. Frank Moskas and Laura
Cabe raised the question on snow removal policy. It was discussed on
preventative salt distribution before a heavy snow, however, it was brought up
that it only works above 27 degrees and the contractor only comes when it has
quit snowing. It was brought up that
that is the situation we have by living on the northern side, the windy road
and high altitude. Again David Stiles
commented on the associations by-laws drawn up by an incompetent lawyer and the
association suffers. We all need to help
when we can and keep our right-of-ways clean and cleared. It was also mentioned to thank Judy Butler
and Irene Jackson for their work in the beautification of the Apple Creek
entrance. It was also brought to
attention that Burnt Fork was getting muddy from all the rain and Keith said
that the contractor said that it did not need any gravel, but he would check it
again when the paving company was able to work.
The President’s Report was moved, seconded and approved.
Jerry Tate gave the treasurer’s report and handed out to
everyone present a copy of it. As of
July31,2014 the association has a balance of $23,906.88. Frank Moskas commented on board saving on
mailing costs and legal fees. It was
moved to accept the report, seconded, voted on and passed.
David Stiles gave a report on liens. It was commented on what a great job he did
–it was time consuming and tedious. He
has been in contact with association’s lawyer, Mr. Bill Cannon. Mr. Cannon commented on N.C. becoming more
anti-HOA . David agreed to stay on as VP
to continue to follow up on filing liens.
With liens on 6-7 homeowner’s properties it is a waiting process until
they sell or we get a collection agency.
Owen asked if these liens were
worth the money and time of what was to be collected and it was shown to be of
value. The report was moved , seconded ,
voted on and accepted.
Laura Palmer was elected to head up a nominating committee
with the help of three others. They called
numerous persons with no one willing to serve on the board. Therefore, the four previous board members
agreed to accept serving again. Also,
Norman Jacobs agreed to serve on the board.
It was voted on for five members to serve and passed. Laura also motioned to have $200.00 accepted
as the forgiveness on serving. It was
seconded, voted on and passed.
Laura presented the four previous officers and the five
being Norman Jacobs. There were no
motions from the floor; therefore, it was moved by Laura to close the
nominations, then seconded and approved.
Those serving are:
Keith Patton/President
David Stiles/ VP
Marilyn Herbert/ Secretary
Jerry Tate/ Treasurer
Norman Jacobs/ VP of Special Projects and to help where needed.
Laura suggested to update the map that Chris Martin had
previously made. The board was going to
try to construct a new updated one.
Again was suggested to utilize the Apple Creek web site. Again that is
Marilyn Herbert/ secretary