March went out like a lamb, but not before two consecutive morning lows of 18 degrees and a fluffy inch of snow the last weekend of March. :-) And now the mountainside is greening rather quickly, with a nice display of early season wildflowers showing their stuff.
(click on pics to enlarge)
Updated entrance |
Two of our mountain angels are back...and back at it. Judy and Irene just finished up refurbishing our entrance, which suffered a good bit of damage this winter. New posts, new cross pieces, cleaned out beds, and we are good to go! As you may or may not know, no dues money goes to their appreciated work, so I know they would be thankful for any donations toward their efforts to defray their out-of-pocket expenses. Ya gotta admit, there is nothing nicer than turning left into our sanctuary and seeing it so inviting and nicely kempt.
Hostas at the entrance lookin' good and strong |
I just went out today and was a bit surprised to find a bold display of Trout Lillies still out, joined in with mainly the 'white' group of flowers listed. Here are just a few to be enjoyed...
Spring Beauty |
Trout Lily (Dog-tooth Violet to some) |
Bloodroot |
Cut-leaved Toothwort |
One of the cohoshes |
(7pm update) The weather has behaved since that late March cold snap, but another cold front could bring some rumbles of thunder and windier conditions in the mountains overnight through tomorrow morning. There is a tornado watch in TN up to the Haywood border, though. Biggest concern is fire danger as high winds will be blowing through the day. We don't need a situation like Black Mountain just went through with a wildfire.
Now that I'm on the mountain most days, I've joined the CoCoRAHs network, which basically keeps precipitation records reported daily to a national group. I didn't officially start until March 8, so I missed the first week. But I got 2.56" of rain (and any snow equivalent in meltwater) for March. I'll be posting rainfall totals each month in addition to everything else from here on out.
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