Tuesday, November 3, 2015


THU afternoon 10/29/15, from end of Staymon

First, a big thank you to our 'good Samaritans' that took it upon themselves to blow the leaves off the road last weekend....we've had so many leaves come down, and such wet weather that made for ultra slick conditions, so it has helped in traction and also widening the road so we can see how far we can take our tires over to the side. Kudos!!!

The polar jet stream is being oh so kind for now, and possibly for the whole month.  Any wintry blasts are basically staying west and northwest, well away from us.  58 degrees this morning, in early November, is crazy...but the way things are going right now.

Feel free to go read my second to last blog post about my most recent bear issue.  It's a small world, really.  "What goes around comes around".   From out of nowhere came conversations to me from Cruso and Canton way...about a 247 pound bear killed in Apple Creek recently.  All I'm going to say is I know full well who did it and when, and why, but what's done is done, even if illegally.  Premeditated, so I was told.  That bear is gone for good, and I'm not okay with that, regardless of any issues I had myself. The gunshot heard was the real deal. That video I posted of the bear is from its last few hours on terra firma....

UPDATE:  When I posted this last evening, little did I anticipate yet another bear, but one started to walk onto the deck at 1am.  I didn't get a good look at it as the barking had it shrink quickly into the shadows...all that to wonder if there were two all along or if this is a passerby?  Dunno.  To end on a positive note, thanks to those that work to improve life here on the mountain, board and otherwise.  Winter isn't far away, and we all know how much fun wintry road issues can be...my winter discussion will be posted in several days as I've been busy of late.  Stay tuned!
