"Praise the Lord and pass the potatoes!" The county JUST paved the horrid parts of Mauney Cove Road above Hall Top today. Will miracles never cease... There will be paving in Apple Creek's future, and as soon as I hear dates/times I'll post them here.
It's been busy on my end, and seemingly quiet on the mountain. May was ridiculously rainy, though my 12.43" total for the month paled on comparison to other mountain counties that got 20-25" for the month, at the cost of mud/rock slides and a few tragic deaths. In that respect we dodged the proverbial bullet. If you've been away, the mountain is incredibly lush, now full of baby rabbits and mosquito squadrons. Too, I've posted a few pics at the end of this post that I've taken the past few months from home, for your viewing pleasure.
Our HOA president Tom Batchelor asked me to post information on our annual meeting and need to find interested individuals to serve on the board for next year. If you are interested (or know someone who might be), please contact Tom by phone or email:
(828) 452-9192 or tom.batchelor@charter.net
He would like to have names by this Friday (yes, Friday the 13th - no triskaidekaphobia allowed!). Our annual meeting is slated for Saturday August 18 @ 10am, to be held at the Public Library down around the side (where the big book sale is held). While official notices will be mailed out shortly, go ahead and make a note in your calendar.
As an aside. you may have noticed on the upper hairpin curve a 'new' graveled road put in. It was an old (short) road that was already there but blocked by rocks and downed trees; this now gives necessary access to lot owners out that way, should they wish to build or sell. That's all it is. :-)
(click to enlarge)
Sunrise from the end of Staymon |
...and another dawn color shot from the end of Staymon |
...and another... |
White-marked Tussock Moth caterpillar |
Early morning thunderstorm clouds rolling in |
Luna Moth that settled in by my critter light one night |
Turk's Cap Lilies in full bloom on the mountain, now |
Heavy A.M. fog one summer morning |
We can all use a little inspiration, right?