Sunday, January 22, 2023


 I'm on the hoof for several more hours, so when I took a moment to read the Winter Weather Advisory itself, I was taken aback by the increased amounts of snow. 

However, upon reading in more detail as it was written, those heavier amounts really are the closer you get to the Tennessee border. The going National Weather Service forecast for Waynesville area has zero accumulation, although I still see a dusting to possibly a half inch on the GFS and the Euro models. I'm still anticipating about an inch up at the end of Staymon, possibly 2 inches but only if the wind direction is perfectly from the northwest. 

The wind will be blowing a lot of this around, and the warm roads should still melt a lot of the onset of this snow. It should be falling easily before sunrise in the morning...and temperatures will stay in the 30s for Monday. 

If I see any significant update, I'll post it later tonight or very early tomorrow morning before sunrise.

Please excuse any typos and grammar faux-pas as it's trickier posting from my phone.


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