Wednesday, August 23, 2017


First, the all-important Apple Creek HOA is this Saturday, August 26th, at 10am at the Waynesville Public Library.  Proxies are oh-so important for voting on board members and other items, so I trust y'all have returned all that was needed.  A quorum of around 64 votes is needed to even hold the meeting at all.

A resident just wrote about a concern of a driver in a smaller pickup truck squealing tires and driving dangerously...and I thought this was a great opportunity to remind our current lot owners as well as to prime our new lot owners on how things work here.

Apple Creek Acres is a tranquil place.  It's noticeable when certain individuals act contrary to that, driving dangerously, making excessive noise, etc.  Sometimes they are part of lot owners, sometime renters, sometimes none of the above. I live at the dead end of a dead end road, gone most days, now, so I don't hear or see issues.  But some of y'all do...

First, note any description possible, especially a tag # if you can get it.  Note any special times of day that you are hearing it, which may be a smoking gun.  Color of vehicle.  Time of day. Age of vehicle. Is it a pattern?  Note it.

You CAN call the Haywood County Sheriff's Department at 828-452-6666 with specific information, and they can come in here, even though we are private roads.  Or you can ask around and see if this is a resident in some capacity and see if the board can contact them.  Owen Fulghum is our president, and he can be emailed at   Of course, our HOA meeting here in just 3 days is a great place to bring this up.

I hope this all helps.  I am in love with living in Apple Creek, and I disdain rapscallions up here, as does everyone else.  See y'all Saturday if you're coming... :-)



  1. I know for a fact my son is not driving crazy through this subdivision. I don't really appreciate this post and if there are further issues please come speak to me in person.
    Donna Hintzman

  2. I didn't name any names, Donna, but received many complaints about this vehicle over the past couple of months. I've never witnessed it myself, so I can't speak to it directly...but several residents have. Heck, I used to give your son rides up the mountain after school and enjoyed our talks. Last time, he was excited about graduating and having a very good job already lined up. Trust he's doing well.

  3. Hey yall shooting in the dark here, but can anyone tell me anything about lot 2? My wife and I are curently under contract to purchase the place. We really like the place, nice and quiet and what not.
