Monday, December 11, 2017


(Here are the minutes from the August HOA meeting as 
prepared and presented by the board)

Annual Meeting Minutes 
Apple Creek Acres Homeowners Association 
Date of Meeting: Saturday, August 26, 2017 

At 10:30 am, August 26, a quorum of 65 votes was reached. The meeting was called to order by President Owen Fulghum. He agreed to preside, and appointed Doyle Love as Parliamentarian. 

The minutes from the 2016 Annual Meeting were read. There were no additions or corrections. A motion was made by John Saunders to accept the minutes as presented. The minutes passed. 

President's Report: Owen Fulgham reported on the improvement of the roads. Challenge of covenants was discussed. Owen has been in touch with the county to insist that permits are being addressed. Rocks are under the guidance of the county for erosion control. Greatest challenge within the association is keeping up to date with homeowner details. Communication should be improved between board and homeowners in order to improve homeowner / lot database. 

Treasurer's Report: Tom Batchelor presented the Expense and Revenue Report (see attachment). He mentioned that as of August 1, we had a balance of $23,816.51. Delinquents were discussed. There are 16 properties that have not paid their dues. $500 is still due to us from a foreclosure. Approximately 5 properties will be brought to the attention of the lawyers and liens will be filed. 

Roads Committee: Keith Patton presented for Jeff Hintzman on the road work done in ACA. We are on the list with the paving company. In the next two weeks, they will be in touch with Jeff H about the road closure and paving. They will start at the top and work their way down. The road will be closed. It was stressed that residents need to plan around the road work and do not drive around the paving crews/areas. We appreciate everyone’s assistance in advance. There were 2 culverts replaced, but there was a failure, and one had to be fixed. The culverts that are currently in place will need to be replaced every year because they are old and failing. It was recommended that we put off the culverts on the paved roads until the roads are replaced, so everything can be done at the same time. Fixing the roads should be a priority. 

Nominating Committee: Cheryl Folghum presented the 5 nominees for the new board. A motion was made that the board be kept at 5 members, and the motion was carried. The five HOA members nominated were Tom Batchelor (President), Jeff Hintzman (Vice President of Roads), Fay Grant (Secretary), John Saunders (Vice President), and Lynn Strause (Treasurer). Owen Fulghum asked if there were any nominations from the floor; being that none were made, a motion was made to accept the nominations by acclamation. It was seconded and passed. 

Old Business: There was none presented. 

New Business: Problems with people speeding on the mountain was addressed. It was mentioned on the blog that there is a blue truck driving too fast on a regular basis. Many attendees agreed that the blue truck is a problem and to find out who the driver is. UPS and FedEx drivers were also discussed. 

It was also addressed if escrowed money at the end of the year will be used for the culverts; but will be saved for potential snow storms and plowing. 

Trees need to be trimmed to help with roads and ice prevention. Maintaining the road has to be our primary focus. You can join Next Door or check the Apple Creek Acres blog to keep updated on the community. Note to new board to attach new meeting minutes to dues notice to encourage participation. 

New homeowners introduced themselves. It was asked for attendees to take a look at the current list of homeowners and make changes, if needed. Keith Patton and Jeff Hintzman were thanked for all of their hard work and mountain wisdom. 

At 11:09 am, a motion was made to adjourn, and was seconded and passed.

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