Wednesday, December 28, 2011

3pm UPDATE: Apple Creek Road

(Salting update below in RED)

Just my take on the road from this afternoon's ride....

I went out on errands in an AWD car at 1:30 pm and returned by 3pm, driving all the way to the top.

The double hairpins below the mirrored corner were in nasty, black ice shape, with tracks of someone coming perilously close to sliding off.  I had taken along two bags of salt from home and thoroughly salted the two curves, and upon returning they were significantly improved.  The salt is good for 10 degrees, so while refreeze will occur tonight, the brine should keep those curves in passable shape.

Just past Staymon Road, heading up the mountain, Apple Creek Road is basically all lightly snow covered ice, but a very roughly shaped ice.  I drove all the way to the gate and back down and didn't slip once, taking it even and slow as one should in these conditions.  Not much melting going on in many of the higher areas, so refreeze means the same situation for the morning, the roughness helping for grip, but no sheets of smooth ice.

From the hairpins down, just a few little slick spots, but otherwise the road is fine.

Temps should go up nicely tomorrow afternoon.  

Update: By 8pm or so, Apple Creek Road will be salted from Staymon Road on up, with a splash of more salt on the hairpin curves salted earlier this afternoon, as the salter comes back down.



  1. We got back to 579 last night about 7 and were able to do the lower parts of Apple Creek fine but found our slightly steep driveway to be a sheet of ice. Somehow I wish there were a magic button we could press and salt the driveway when we're heading back like! (just kidding). Anyhow we were able to get the car up enough of the driveway to keep it off the road but it was sliding all the time. Today when it warms up a bit we'll go out and salt and all should be fine. How fun to go to Iowa for the holidays and have no snow and come back here and have some on the ground.

  2. This is a different subject but I wasn't sure how else to present my question. Is it possible to have an email address for the ACAHA board or for one of the members who will accept email to be brought to the board? I (and other residents) have recently received a regular mail document that is signed by the "Apple Creek Acres Resident Advocates" and makes statements about a demand from the residents of Apple Creek Acres to the board. I do not want to debate the content of that document in this forum but I would like an email address for the board so that I can comment to the board that the "group" sending that document does not represent me and that they have never consulted me.

  3. Linn, you may reach the board via this addy: (well, I'm pretty sure you can...I'll follow up for you)
