Monday, October 29, 2012


Up on Staymon the temp had been sitting at 32 degrees for a long time, with almost 1/2" of snow.  The heaviest snowfall will occur this evening and through sunrise Tuesday, with lessening chances thereafter... Sandy has now made the left hook and heading to the Jersey Shore for a landfall after midnight.

The GFS run from early this morning hasn't come down yet, but last night it had ACA in a 2-5" range.  The NAM still has ACA in a very tightly banded 4-10" range within a distance of only 4-5 miles, with 18"+ at places like Max Patch, Mount Sterling, etc.

I'm actually heading out shortly as I need to go to the early voting site since I won't be here Tuesday.  If you'd like to vote early, a location is quite close by. Turn right at the end of Mauney Cove Road and as you get close to the crest of the hill, you can't miss it on the right (Senior Resource Center), thanks to the boatload of political signs.  It's open this week 830a to 5p, unless weather gets bad down low.  You can also vote early at the Canton Public Library.



  1. from moskos: road is wet but not slick in the slightest up to my place. temp was 36deg all the way up until 1900 or so.

  2. Thanks, Frank. @ 8:30pm it's 31 degrees, 0.5" of snow, and light precip for now here on Staymon. Sandy accelerating wildly and already ashore in NJ waaaaaay ahead of schedule...just maybe that will mean a northward turn sooner as well? That will cut back snow totals. Bob

  3. no ice or snow to the blue roof

  4. I'll put up a new post shortly...about 2" snow here at the end of Staymon, and I'm pleased but very surprised the power didn't go out! :-)
