Tuesday, November 12, 2013

First Flakes Likely Today, BUT...

Days ago, models had today's incoming cold blast bringing a few inches of snow to ACA, but those numbers have dwindled to 0-1".  Not worth posting the graphics I normally do for this system, which stands to give us a heavy dusting...if that.  Timing looks to be late afternoon through early evening, with all precipitation a done deal well before midnight.  Good thing as lows may well be down in the teens in the morrow. Lots of wind coming in with the crashing cold later today, as well.

I foresee zero road issues because the ground temps are well above freezing, but it looked like Keith et al. were getting our roadside salt boxes stocked/replaced yesterday, primed for the winter ahead.  I have to leave town by noon so I will not be on the mountain to observe anything, but as always you are welcome to post information below in the comments section.  

Too, not a bad idea to check and make sure your well-head has good insulation around it.  While Wednesday will be the coldest day since last winter, it starts warming back up Thursday.



  1. The dusting of snow has started here at 579 Apple Creek and our temp is down to 27......the deck has a nice white powder on it and I hope that is all we get.....

  2. Thanks, Linn! Sorry I'm not there to enjoy the first flakes in ACA. No doubt your temps are crashing as well. 'Tis the season...
