Sunday, January 17, 2021


 Ah, to climb our mountain at 2am after a light snow...  :-/

Once again, we have a CLEAR testament that even with just 0.25"-<1" of snow on Apple Creek Road that driving can be downright scary.  This was a very fine, powdery snow, given the cold temperatures.  Put the weight of a vehicle on that snow, it will compress tightly to an ice layer, and the sliding begins.  There were numerous tell-tale signs of sliding and fishtailing and even into ditches...and it looked like a fair number of vehicles attempted to go up and/or down. Folks, it's a skating rink right now, for all practical purposes.

Currently, just on the downhill side of the mirror curve, there is a Roto-Rooter Van off on the right as you go downhill, so heads up for that as your round that bend. Because I turned on Staymon Road, I have no report to offer beyond there, nor have I received any reports beyond there.

I've got a great 4WD and traction system, just maybe not the best snow tires...but I had a couple of slippery areas, though nothing that overly concerned me.  That is until I got to my driveway, which is a hell all it's own.  Made it halfway up to a big steep turn and was stopped for the night...thankfully, just 80 feet from the house.  I called that a victory given the trip.

To be blunt, Apple Creek Road is wreck-worthy at the moment.

Here is the message once again from the board about any road treatment.  I will add that while they might plow/scrape Apple Creek Road, there wasn't enough snow to warrant plowing gravel side roads:

"[ACA is] on the schedule for the road to be plowed and/or salted once the snow stops. This will most likely be sometime Sunday."

If you must travel in or out tomorrow, godspeed. It's not recommended unless you absolutely must travel, at least until the road gets treated.


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