As I left ACA just after 2pm Wednesday, the plow had made it's first run up Apple Creek Road, and I basically had no issues though the double hairpins had to be taken slowly. The side roads, like Staymon's steep section, are extremely slippery and icy, though I made it down without an issue. Slowly and carefully is the only way to roll.
I had 1.75" before I left, and saw Al got 2" at the top...winds blew away and added snow, but the heavier snow amounts stayed west and north, thankfully. Click HERE for a link to the National Weather Service's Public Information Statement with snow results (many are not storm totals, just readings during the event).
We're all done with precipitation (and the strongest winds), so it's a matter of slick spots on roads and black ice this morning. In eastern NC the storm line dropped an EF2 tornado in Carteret County along the beach front late Tuesday night, destroying some condos but no loss of life, thankfully.
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
This blog delivers timely information and updates to residents of Apple Creek Acres in Haywood County, NC. Be it road conditions, weather, community watch alerts, news from the Board, and much more, you'll find the updates here. FYI, this blog is not run by the ACA homeowners association; it's just a resident's personal effort to keep everyone informed....because I can and I care. I love it here. :-)
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
The prior post has the latest updates for today's road/snow conditions. But not all computers will automatically refresh a page, so if you want to read any updated information, be sure to hit the 'refresh' icon which is a circular arrow somewhere at the top of your browser to see the latest.
Getting ready to head out in 10 minutes, so will not be able to add any blog updates myself for at least 3 hours. Very limited traffic has moved up and down Apple Creek Road today, but it has moved, albeit slowly, per Chris Martin. At 1:50pm I still see only tire tracks on AC Road but have to head out regardless. Still some snow showers incoming from TN, but I've totaled 1.75" and wouldn't expect a whole lot more. Happy Thanksgiving to all! Be safe....
8:40am UPDATE: from Keith Patton (president)
"M&S to be here to plow&salt between noon and 1:00 today. I've taken a short walk and there is HEAVY ice under the snow. Would highly recommend no travel until the road is treated. I will be here if needed."
At 6am it was 26 degrees with about 1/3" of snow on the ground here on Staymon...a heavier band of snow is incoming soon and for now not much behind it. However, ACA is in a Winter Storm Warning through midnight, and there is still plenty of moisture in TN to head our way - sort of. To be honest, at this time, I don't see that much precipitation heading directly for ACA....from Madison County on northward they stand to have higher accumulations when all is said and done. 2-4" has been the standing forecast for our area, which I subscribe to, but I see the 2" more than the 4"...with all of the holiday travel taking place, that would be a nice outcome.
My big concern was what ice would be under the snow. That thought was just confirmed with a report from Al Rose at the top: he just went out and there is ice under the snow. Stands to reason Apple Creek Road would be slick and dangerous for now. Temps are forecast to slowly drop through the day, looking for a low around 10 degrees tonight in ACA, and winds are supposed to be cranking, as well.
I know I have to leave ACA today, but will most likely wait until Apple Creek Road is plowed and/or salted which is slated for early this afternoon at last check. I will update this page with information as I get it...any reports you may have on conditions or vehicle traffic are always welcome. You can post them via the comments section or email me the information and I can put it in for you.
8:40am UPDATE: from Keith Patton (president)
"M&S to be here to plow&salt between noon and 1:00 today. I've taken a short walk and there is HEAVY ice under the snow. Would highly recommend no travel until the road is treated. I will be here if needed."
At 6am it was 26 degrees with about 1/3" of snow on the ground here on Staymon...a heavier band of snow is incoming soon and for now not much behind it. However, ACA is in a Winter Storm Warning through midnight, and there is still plenty of moisture in TN to head our way - sort of. To be honest, at this time, I don't see that much precipitation heading directly for ACA....from Madison County on northward they stand to have higher accumulations when all is said and done. 2-4" has been the standing forecast for our area, which I subscribe to, but I see the 2" more than the 4"...with all of the holiday travel taking place, that would be a nice outcome.
My big concern was what ice would be under the snow. That thought was just confirmed with a report from Al Rose at the top: he just went out and there is ice under the snow. Stands to reason Apple Creek Road would be slick and dangerous for now. Temps are forecast to slowly drop through the day, looking for a low around 10 degrees tonight in ACA, and winds are supposed to be cranking, as well.
I know I have to leave ACA today, but will most likely wait until Apple Creek Road is plowed and/or salted which is slated for early this afternoon at last check. I will update this page with information as I get it...any reports you may have on conditions or vehicle traffic are always welcome. You can post them via the comments section or email me the information and I can put it in for you.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Well, worth a new post as we assess the snow coming in. It's a NW upslope flow event, and the current forecast has been 2-4"....not enough changes one way or the other to change all of that. Close by the Plott Balsams and the Smokies is 6-7" but I'll leave ACA in the 2-4" category, low to high in elevation.
Overnight tonight there will be a switchover to snow, without a time period of no precipitation to be void of precipitation for sublimation, so I expect an icy belly to the snow that collects before sunrise, and beyond. Travel could be very tricky early in ACA, but plowing and salting is slated to take place in early afternoon, to the best of my knowledge. Personally, I have to get off the mountain Wednesday, so I have a vested interest in all of this as do many of you, be it incoming or outgoing traffic concerns in ACA.
By Thursday, sun is out and chilly, but calm weather will be in place. Happy Turkey Day, y'all, and Happy first full day of Hannukah, also on Thursday.
Overnight tonight there will be a switchover to snow, without a time period of no precipitation to be void of precipitation for sublimation, so I expect an icy belly to the snow that collects before sunrise, and beyond. Travel could be very tricky early in ACA, but plowing and salting is slated to take place in early afternoon, to the best of my knowledge. Personally, I have to get off the mountain Wednesday, so I have a vested interest in all of this as do many of you, be it incoming or outgoing traffic concerns in ACA.
By Thursday, sun is out and chilly, but calm weather will be in place. Happy Turkey Day, y'all, and Happy first full day of Hannukah, also on Thursday.
Monday, November 25, 2013
(This paragraph is an update just before 5am Tuesday: Yay for the warm nose aloft as I have 41 degrees this morning. However, getting reports of significant icing, and I do mean significant, starting with counties just east of us, which are now in an Ice Storm Warning. We will not be having icing issues this morning here in ACA, but after heavy rain today we still have the snow to deal with Wednesday. Count your blessings...)
Precipitation arrives in western NC this evening and stays through Wednesday. It's a particularly wet system with many areas in the mountains expected to pick up 1.5"-3" of rain...or should I say 'liquid equivalent'.
We've obviously been much colder and below freezing a lot recently, so a nice warm ground temperature isn't in place to help out. There are two concerns for Apple Creek for this period. (click images below to enlarge)
Concern #1: Freezing rain. The freezing rain advisory is in place for us from 9pm tonight through 9am Tuesday. The freezing rain could start as early as late this afternoon. Ice amounts for our area don't look to be enough to be a problem for our roads, but even IF enough froze to make slick spots, there is nothing that can be done treatment-wise given that in time it goes to all rain. Let nature run its course with melting and hope we don't get power outages.
Concern #2: Accumulating snow. The backside of this system is forecast to switch to all snow by daybreak Wednesday, and ACA is presently in a 2-4" accumulation range, the 2" being toward the entrance and 4" at the top. With the significant amounts of rain that will fall preceding that, an icy bottom to any snow amounts is a big possibility, so Apple Creek Road will warrant very cautious driving on Wednesday. A lot of us have big holiday travel concerns both in and out of ACA on Wednesday, including myself...check back for updates.
I will update as needed late this afternoon.
Precipitation arrives in western NC this evening and stays through Wednesday. It's a particularly wet system with many areas in the mountains expected to pick up 1.5"-3" of rain...or should I say 'liquid equivalent'.
We've obviously been much colder and below freezing a lot recently, so a nice warm ground temperature isn't in place to help out. There are two concerns for Apple Creek for this period. (click images below to enlarge)
Concern #1: Freezing rain. The freezing rain advisory is in place for us from 9pm tonight through 9am Tuesday. The freezing rain could start as early as late this afternoon. Ice amounts for our area don't look to be enough to be a problem for our roads, but even IF enough froze to make slick spots, there is nothing that can be done treatment-wise given that in time it goes to all rain. Let nature run its course with melting and hope we don't get power outages.
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Tuesday, November 19, 2013
2014 Budget & Winter Weather Policy
(Be sure to check the prior two blog entries for the most recent board minutes as well as minutes from August's annual meeting. Bob)
2014 Budget ACAHA
Assessment fee $250.00
26 lots @ $31,500
Paving $18,344.00
Snow Removal/Ice Melt $ 7,000.00
Grading $ 2,000.00
Gravel $ 2,000.00
Legal $ 500.00
Mailing $ 100.00
Reimbursement $ 800.00
Banking Fees $ 24.00
Insurance $ 732.00
TOTAL $ 31,500.00
TOTAL $ 31,500.00
Any delinquent fees collected
and funds left over from 2013 snow removal line item will be applied to
additional paving work.
Winter weather policy
*The latest road conditions
and snow plow status will be posted on the Apple Creek Blog. Please do not call
board members during inclement weather.
*M&S Tree and landscaping
services will be plowing and salting Apple Creek roads this winter. They may be
reached for individual driveway work at 828-627-0967.
*Roads maintained by the
ACAHA are of a steep and winding configuration. They are also located on the
Northern face of the mountain getting little to no sun in winter months. With
elevations ranging from 2500- 4500 feet, it is not reasonable for anyone to
expect to be able to travel them at all times during inclement weather. Safe
passage on our roads is not guaranteed and at our own risk. This is a reality
of life in the mountains.
Monday, November 18, 2013
October 28,2013 3:00p.m.
Present: President—Keith Patton
VP-----David Stiles
Secretary—Marilyn Herbert
Treasurer—Jerry Tate
Alt.—Anne Sayward
Ice Melt quotes:
Ace Hardware is $7.00 per bag &
Haywood Builders is $9.20 per bag with both delivering them. We all voted on
H. Ace Hardware and also replacing some of the missing boxes.
Snow Removal:
Keith had 3
bids for snow removal and the lowest from M & L Lawn &
Landscaping was voted on and accepted. Jerry made the motion and Marilyn seconded. Keith refrained from voting after he
discovered that he had gone to school with Mike Clampitt. Mike has a Kubota tractor with a scrape blade
that we felt would do a
better job and he will spread the salt where needed as he is doing the job for $100.00
per hour. He will also scrape driveways
for homeowners upon request and bill
Balance Due:
It was decided unanimously to put extra
letter in t\with new assessments to homeowners having past due balances and place
liens from previous
year at
same time if needed.
The budget for 2013-2014 was proposed by Keith and was
voted on
unanimously by the board. The new
assessment is $250.00 per lot. The
meeting was
at 3:55.
be Marilyn Herbert
AUGUST 13, 2013
Meeting was held at Maple
Grove Methodist Church Hall – Dellwood Road
A quorum
was established: 22 homeowners were present and 80 proxies.
Secretary Terry Rose was nominated to chair the meeting by Linda Hughes
and then voted and approved. The minutes from 2012 meeting were read.
Frank Moskos made the motion to accept them and it was seconded and
Secretary Terry Rose was nominated to chair the meeting by Linda Hughes
and then voted and approved. The minutes from 2012 meeting were read.
Frank Moskos made the motion to accept them and it was seconded and
Treasurer’s Report was presented by Frank Moskos. As of August 1,2013 the account balance was
$9,241.86. There was a recommendation on setting up a Contingency Fund;
however, there was only a discussion because not enough votes to be
passed. All but one assessment was
collected for 2012. There is only one lot owner not current before 2012.Doyle
Love raised the question on reimbursement for Board members. It was noted that members paid for their
assessment and then was reimbursed in July 2013 to keep bank costs down.
was asked how minutes are kept. Terry
Rose did a great job of construction binders for the President, the Secretary,
& the Treasurer! All the information she could find from previous years
were organized!!! Doyle Love moved to
accept the Treasurer’s Report, it was seconded and approved.
It was
presented by Linda Hughes, acting President, because Lorraine Conard was on maternity
leave. She reports that A.C.H.A.’s lawyer, Mr. Wm. Cannon, recommended that we get
liability insurance to protect Apple
Creek’s Homeowners. The cost is $732.oo
a year. She discussed how important this
policy is to protect each homeowner.
Molly White
brought up the four lots that are impacted by the fees, but not located in
Apple Creek. Their access is on Mauney
Cove Road, but their lots have always been incorporated into Apple Creek. The President’s Report was moved, seconded
and approved.
Patton gave a report on estimates for maintaining asphalt road. The two companies that
gave estimates identified that over a four year period it will take $70,000 to $80,000.
to repair the roads. To pave entire road
over existing pavement would be over $100,000. and this would not be a
permanent fix. It would be $1900. to
grade side roads; however, that is no extra gravel.
Doyle Love
gave a report on the three proposals to amend by-laws. It was mentioned that the only legal By-Laws
are dated 1977 & signed by Frances Dingus.
And, there was only two amendments that have been added since 1977. The three proposed amendments were only
discussed for a short time because they could not be voted on due to
insufficient proxies. It was stated that
the By-Laws need to be registered with the State.
The board
presented a list of five names from the nominating committee. There were no motions from the floor;
therefore, it was moved be Linda Palmer to close the nominations, then seconded
and approved. It was moved to have a
five member board. Doyle Love made a
motion to accept those names, and it was seconded & approved.
Keith Patton/President
David Stiles/ VP
Marilyn Herbert/ Secretary
Jerry Tate/ Treasurer
Ann Sayward/Member
Terry Rose
brought up the right-of-way abandoned to Smokey Mountain Retreat. The Lackey’s
and Terry Rose are the ones being impacted.
It was discussed that getting an attorney involved will be too
costly. It was recommended that the new
officers check into this
feud with Smokey Mountain Retreat to see
if it can be resolved. Frank Moskos motioned ,
it was seconded & approved.
The ongoing
motorcycle noise was discussed. Keith
Patton explained that it should be rectified
soon. Their lease is not being renewed.
There wasn’t any.
Herbert/ secretary
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
First Flakes Likely Today, BUT...
Days ago, models had today's incoming cold blast bringing a few inches of snow to ACA, but those numbers have dwindled to 0-1". Not worth posting the graphics I normally do for this system, which stands to give us a heavy dusting...if that. Timing looks to be late afternoon through early evening, with all precipitation a done deal well before midnight. Good thing as lows may well be down in the teens in the morrow. Lots of wind coming in with the crashing cold later today, as well.
I foresee zero road issues because the ground temps are well above freezing, but it looked like Keith et al. were getting our roadside salt boxes stocked/replaced yesterday, primed for the winter ahead. I have to leave town by noon so I will not be on the mountain to observe anything, but as always you are welcome to post information below in the comments section.
Too, not a bad idea to check and make sure your well-head has good insulation around it. While Wednesday will be the coldest day since last winter, it starts warming back up Thursday.
I foresee zero road issues because the ground temps are well above freezing, but it looked like Keith et al. were getting our roadside salt boxes stocked/replaced yesterday, primed for the winter ahead. I have to leave town by noon so I will not be on the mountain to observe anything, but as always you are welcome to post information below in the comments section.
Too, not a bad idea to check and make sure your well-head has good insulation around it. While Wednesday will be the coldest day since last winter, it starts warming back up Thursday.
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