Tuesday, January 7, 2014


This is mainly for those residents reading from afar, not in Apple Creek, just to update you on a very unusual weather event.  At the end of Staymon Road I know it reached -9 degrees this morning, a temperature that probably hasn't occurred here in a few decades.  Luckily, the snow the day before was once again minimal, and while there are some snow/ice areas on our roads, they apparently are no issue to AWD or 4WD vehicles driving under control.  The worst result of all this on the mountains has been anything from frozen well heads to broken water pipes. Thankfully, warmer temps are coming in in 24 hours.


1 comment:

  1. We had a frozen well head the first winter we owned the property and after it was repaired we had to decide what to do to prevent it in the future. The well head was far enough from the house that I didn't think running a cord with a light out to it made sense plus we might not be here to do that every time it was extra cold. The well repair guy suggested filling black plastic trash bags with insulation and stuffing that down around the well head and it has worked for us.....even through this last cold spell.
