Friday, January 7, 2011

Road Update

It is now Friday at 5:00 p.m. John and Larry have decided that the roads will be plowed and salted, first thing on Saturday morning. I hope you can make your plans around this report! Claire

Read prior posts for more information...


  1. At 9:15 pm cars and trucks were moving easily up and down the road. Although wet enough for a snowman the snow apparently provides good traction. One truck passed the driveway going down at a pretty good clip. Another truck waiting below pulled out and headed up road after the other passed. Oh well, all snow falls are different. Will report in the morning.

  2. Does anyone know if Mauney is clear enough to go down without 4 wheel drive or chains? Our son is parked at the bottom of Apple Creek and needs to get downtown for work this morning. Thank!

  3. Good snowy morning...I'm the 'keeper of the gate' and I've heard from no one this morning except your note. Will pass it on ASAP when I do. I have no word on 'valley' amounts, and can only speak to the 8-10"+ that has fallen from Staymon Rd. to the top of ACA.

  4. Apple Creek road for the past hour. At 30 degrees it snowing and windy. No info on Mauney Cove road at this time.

  5. 10:25am UPDATE on ROAD CONDITIONS SATURDAY MORNING, from Chris Martin: 10:15 am - Jeff Hintzman just dropped by to report on his trip to town. He says that Mauney Cove is not plowed and poor. Snow falling hard in Waynesville and roads dicey. He's headed up road shortly.
